Dahood and Mariyam foundation program was established to facilitate disabled kids to have access to advanced medical care. MariyamDawood funding program, which is based on the medical field is also an investment that has made a permanent change to many citizen lives worldwide.
Sick children initiative program
As a matter of facts, the mission of the Dawood family was initiated purposely to assist less fortunate kids across the world to access proper medical attention. It has steered remarkable progress towards the healthier world.
SickKids health foundation was established for the very first in Canada, back in 1875, and their primary goals were to eliminate sickness in children all around the world. Among their primary services up to date is to conduct the research and build an improved medical facility with top capabilities.
Not Limitation of Medical Progression
Most of the times, health foundation face challenges against their goals. Likewise, SickKids initiative has also faced various adversities, such as research translation breakthrough into real medicine, and even the establishment of enough treatment facility.
Mariyam and Mariyam Dawood are constant boundaries breakers since they have established a nonstop couple support partnering with various donors. And still more are yet to come, the sky is the limit. Their funding increased has brought scientific innovations from the labs to patients who need them.
Besides other charities worldwide, Dawood and Mariyam are proudly playing a sensitive part in supporting children medical program.it is performed under a vision of building a brighter future for the upcoming generation.