Communication is the transfer of thoughts, opinions, ideas and information (messages) from one person (communicator) to another (recipient). This is a process that requires an environment.

Traditional communication

Traditionally, business management communicated with employees through written memoranda. The boss will dictate or write the message, make copies of the note and distribute it among the employees. However, on this day and in the century, a person reads, listens and sees so much that his mind simply cannot contain all the information received. Among the information a person receives, written messages are less likely to be preserved. This means that writing notes can be a very inefficient means of communication.

The notes, in addition to the fact that the messages they contain are generally not saved, are also a restrictive means of communication. This is so formal that it limits spontaneous and honest reactions. Nor does it facilitate interaction; it is mainly used for communication from top to bottom. This is not a good omen for people at lower levels; such employees cannot feel empowered and effective if their ideas, thoughts and opinions cannot be heard in their business organization. Companies also lose because they cannot benefit from the different talents, skills and views of their people; could be used if the company created a communication and loopback channel.

Skype communication tool

Skype is a desirable alternative to traditional forms of communication. This is an Internet protocol or IP-based communication method that allows people who have a computer to connect to the Internet and Skype client software that can be downloaded for free to communicate with each other. Skype also uses several media: text, graphics, sounds and videos.

The previous qualities of Skype’s communication channels led to three important changes in our communication:

  • People store much more information.

Multimedia messages, with visual and auditory elements, are much easier to store than simple visual or auditory messages. Skype is fully capable of multimedia communication; In fact, Skype offers free video calls. Therefore, skype pobierz is a potentially effective means of business communication.

  • Employees and team members feel much better.

Skype is not a down link. Offer free conference calls. In this way, nine people can communicate and interact simultaneously on the Internet. Therefore, a person’s message is transmitted to a large number of people who can respond immediately and give their opinion to the source communicator. Therefore, the communication channels are open between a user and another conference participant.

  • The business becomes global: easy and economical.

Skype calls, messages, video calls and conference calls are offered free of charge. Therefore, companies have found a simple and economical way to expand and communicate globally with independent contractors abroad, mobile workers and international clients.